24 Feb

Release Your Inner Champion on March 9th with Veronica Karaman! Free Putting Clinic Included! Men welcomed to attend.

Veronica Karaman is a faith-based peak performance coach, author, speaker, and professional golfer.  The founder of TrueChampionAcademy.com she has a passion to release the inner champion in people of all ages to realize more of who they were created to be. A graduate of Duke University and Regent University, she holds two master's degrees in Biblical Studies and Communication. A dynamic communicator and activator, Veronica uses the game of golf to inspire people to play more "fearless and free" on the course, in life, and in their relationship with God.

Invite a friend and join the Links Players for a special Talk and Book-signing to celebrate Veronica's 8th book, God, Make Me a Champion! An Athlete's Journey of Faith into the Power of Surrender, #1 New Release on Amazon on March 9th, Veronica's birthday! (Yes, we'll even have a birthday cake!)

In God, Make Me a Champion!, Veronica shares her journey as a surrendered athlete and how she trains others to achieve their best using a spiritual playbook to peak performance.You will be inspired to:

*Activate your faith to achieve your potential

*Learn to play free 

*Discover the driving force behind of all performance

*Compete from a loved-state *Slay your inner critic, negative emotions, and release your true champion!

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